Hello! Here's my attempt at a wellbeing blog! I'm not sure how you do one of these in terms of what to write, so we'll see what happens. 😊This blog will be more about what I hope to achieve in the year and maybe to do more of the things that I know will make me happy.
- Graduate with a 1st.
- Attend a graduation ceremony this year.
- Get a full time graduate job.
- Get the ball rolling in terms of looking for a house. *
- Do more exercise/lose weight
- Spend more time doing my hobbies
in between uni work. - Invest more time and effort into my side hustle related to my hobbies. *
- Try and get an art sale or commission. *
- Read more books. - 3/10 read this year.
- Update this regularly and until the end of the year.
So if you'd like, come along with me through 2022 and see what I achieve (or don't) and what unexpected things 2022 throws at all of us!
Updated at least once a week!

If you want to know a little more about me and my study journey, I have a study blog which I've kept since I started my degree.
*After graduation
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