My goals for 2022

Hello!   Here's my attempt at a wellbeing blog! I'm not sure how you do one of these in terms of what to write, so we'll see wha...

Monday 14th February

No valentine for me this year! Not that I'm complaining, so here I am doing another blog post. :lol:

This week has been not much different, more working and more uni work. I've not made enough time to do things I enjoy such as my hobbies, though I did make the effort to go out with a friend yesterday so it was nice getting out. But yeah, I might try and get some gaming in today later on because I never got to do that yesterday which was my day off. I did work that morning as well so yeah, less time and energy to do things yesterday! At least I'm recognising what I'm doing right now, which is falling back into that habit of all work and very little play.

I guess continuing my uni work is working towards goal #1 though All the more interesting stuff is yet to come later on in the year (I hope!), so I hope I can keep to goal #10 and keep this updated for you guys to follow! I definitely need to get reading when possible too, that's been on my mind.

Sorry to say my weeks aren't always that eventful! 

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