I added to the first post to include reading more (goal #9). It was a goal of mine in 2021 to read 10 books (I do have a Goodreads if anyone is interested in following that, let me know) and I think I read about 9, but I'm in the middle of reading three books.
I read a little bit of one last night which is a Brian Cox book full of information about space and astrophysics. Then I read a little more of a book which is about 70% complete and it's a book on introversion. The third book is my uni book of course and I read some more of that yesterday in work during quiet times which was about discursive analysis. I just realised that that is the end of book one so I have completed reading a book! Today I'm reading a chapter on how to conduct my experiment, which is really intimidating.I have set a new goal for 2022 to read 10 books.

Today is going to be a day of some studying (goal #1) and then a time of rest and hobbies in the evening and I'll likely do the same tomorrow too. I always try to balance out the two (goal #6) but it's not always possible when you're being drowned in uni work and deadlines!
In terms of art sales/commissions, I did have some interest recently but haven't chased it up. In 2021, I restarted my Etsy and have managed to get 6 sales which is amazing and more than I could have expected! I also have a Redbubble where I get passive income (I've had 59 sales since I started which I think was back in 2019) and I've just noticed that I got a sale on the 5th of Jan! Technically I could say I've reached goal #8 but I don't think I'll count it because I don't have to do anything with RB to get sales. Ideally I would like to sell a physical piece of work or simply complete a design I've started and post it everywhere and on Etsy and make a sale from it (I sell embroidery patterns).
I've added updating this blog to my calendar on a weekly basis too (goal #10).
Have a lovely Saturday! ♥
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