I've not been able to sleep very well this week and I'm not sure why. Hopefully my sleep improves soon.
I'm finding it hard to find a balance between studying and leisure time (goal #6). I'm either 100% studying or 100% doing hobbies or chilling, and it's usually the latter. I did some studying recently and I usually decide to spend the last few hours of the evening doing something I enjoy, except I got caught up with studying and didn't stop until around 8pm. I hopped onto a game thinking I could play for just an hour but I don't know why I tell myself that because that never happens! So two hours later, I ended up going to bed late.When I am studying well, I don't want to lose my momentum and call it quits when my brain has decided to work and my energy levels are good. I may not get a day like that for a while. Monday and Tuesday I tried to study but I couldn't get into it but I think it was Wednesday and Thursday where I had a good couple of productive days. It looks like this weekend is going to largely be a lazy one but the couple of days I did study this week, I did get a good amount done.
I've been trying to teach myself OpenSesame and have tried to design my experiment in it. I believe I'm up to date with my weeks, though there's not much to do now but focus on the experiment. My next assignment is my project proposal which I've kind of started. I felt I couldn't answer some of the questions until I had a clear experiment design in my head and felt more confident at understanding the new program, so that's why I've been focused on that recently. My project proposal is due on the 2nd of February so I should be getting on with that! (goal #1)
I've booked some time off at the end of this month and near the end of March so I have a week off to look forward to just before the deadline, so that's nice.

Apologies that this kind of turned into a study blog post haha, I'm used to writing those and I guess my life is just studying rn anyway.
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