My goals for 2022

Hello!   Here's my attempt at a wellbeing blog! I'm not sure how you do one of these in terms of what to write, so we'll see wha...

Wednesday 30th March

Oh dear, I don't know where the time's gone! Not much has even happened over the past two weeks other than getting COVID and then I had time off from work. I spent that time mainly resting which was nice, but I also did some uni work (goal #1) and spent some nice time taking part in my hobbies (goal #6). I have also done a decent amount of exercise over the past couple of weeks, mainly walking more and swimming (goal #5) which is always good! The weather really helps. 

As I'm approaching the end of my degree (only two deadlines left) and in the current financial situation, I've thought more about the possibility of even beginning to search for a house this year (goal #4). The idea of everything getting more and more expensive, I worry about being able to get a graduate job and earning enough to be able to afford a mortgage on top of rising bills on my own. :\ So that's a goal that I'm not too confident I'll achieve this year but we can remain hopeful!

One goal that has slipped is reading!  I've not read much at all over the past couple of weeks, though I did read one chapter last night. So that's something to work on over the year.

Monday 14th March

This week brought me a surprise - a positive COVID test!  I've been unwell for most of the past week, which is why I didn't make an entry yesterday. It's only been today where I feel like my energy levels have gone up a little bit. This means I've not done much uni work since the beginning of last week, but today I have been productive; I cleaned my room and have spent about 2 hours on my assignment (goal #1).

I've spent most of my time resting, but I have been playing lots of mobile games and yesterday I played on my PS5. I also did some cross stitching the other evening (goal #6). So it's been a good time to rest and forget about work and uni, though that's easier said than done! But it helped encourage me to put myself and my health first. Everything else will have to wait when I'm not well! Thankfully I'm coming out of it it seems, I'm still a little run down but not as bad as I was. It feels good to be able to have the energy and concentration to focus on my work again though. 

Sunday 6th March

Yesterday I had some pampering done at a salon and I'm having more pampering next Saturday. I did some more of my big outstanding cross stitch project (goal #6) and earlier in the week I did a little organisation of my business spreadsheets (goal #7).

I began reading a new book (goal #9) a couple of days ago and I'm almost at chapter 5. 

But for goal #1, I have been working on my fourth assignment and I'm about 2/3 done with that! I'm planning to do some more later today after a rest. It's due at the end of this month but I want to submit it earlier so I can get to work on my experiment project write up which I think is going to be a headache to do. Not long now!