My goals for 2022

Hello!   Here's my attempt at a wellbeing blog! I'm not sure how you do one of these in terms of what to write, so we'll see wha...

Thursday 27th January

Apologies for missing the Sunday post! I was having a relaxing day and was playing some video games and it slipped out of my mind. But at least I can say that I was working towards my goal of trying to spend more time on hobbies (goal #6) during this year to help my mental health and reduce stress! It's always good to have a balance, something I don't always get right.

Last week was very much an organisation week. I broke down my assignment into manageable chunks to cover this current week (my final week before the deadline). It felt nice to see everything in front of me and have an idea on when things need to get done. I did make a blog post in my study blog to show others what I use to keep organised and study with.

So for this week, it is largely trying to get things done for the assignment and I can say a lot of it is done, it just needs to be refined. There is one part that needs more work and to be finished but the rest seems okay. Not all of it is graded so that kind of makes it easier and quicker.

I've had the week off work and it's been lovely (and lazy)! I feel like I have more energy to focus on my uni work now and it feels great. I hung out with a friend last night who I've not seen for a bit so that was nice to get out of the house and to chat with someone! I finished reading one of the books (goal #9) on the 18th too!

But yeah, most of my weeks are very similar to the last so apologies if they're a little repetitive :lol:!

Sunday 16th January

 I've not been able to sleep very well this week and I'm not sure why. Hopefully my sleep improves soon.

I'm finding it hard to find a balance between studying and leisure time (goal #6). I'm either 100% studying or 100% doing hobbies or chilling, and it's usually the latter. I did some studying recently and I usually decide to spend the last few hours of the evening doing something I enjoy, except I got caught up with studying and didn't stop until around 8pm. I hopped onto a game thinking I could play for just an hour but I don't know why I tell myself that because that never happens! So two hours later, I ended up going to bed late.

When I am studying well, I don't want to lose my momentum and call it quits when my brain has decided to work and my energy levels are good. I may not get a day like that for a while. Monday and Tuesday I tried to study but I couldn't get into it but I think it was Wednesday and Thursday where I had a good couple of productive days. It looks like this weekend is going to largely be a lazy one but the couple of days I did study this week, I did get a good amount done.

I've been trying to teach myself OpenSesame and have tried to design my experiment in it. I believe I'm up to date with my weeks, though there's not much to do now but focus on the experiment. My next assignment is my project proposal which I've kind of started. I felt I couldn't answer some of the questions until I had a clear experiment design in my head and felt more confident at understanding the new program, so that's why I've been focused on that recently. My project proposal is due on the 2nd of February so I should be getting on with that! (goal #1)

I've booked some time off at the end of this month and near the end of March so I have a week off to look forward to just before the deadline, so that's nice. 

Apologies that this kind of turned into a study blog post haha, I'm used to writing those and I guess my life is just studying rn anyway. 

Saturday 8th January

I added to the first post to include reading more (goal #9). It was a goal of mine in 2021 to read 10 books (I do have a Goodreads if anyone is interested in following that, let me know) and I think I read about 9, but I'm in the middle of reading three books.

I read a little bit of one last night which is a Brian Cox book full of information about space and astrophysics. Then I read a little more of a book which is about 70% complete and it's a book on introversion. The third book is my uni book of course and I read some more of that yesterday in work during quiet times which was about discursive analysis. I just realised that that is the end of book one so I have completed reading a book! Today I'm reading a chapter on how to conduct my experiment, which is really intimidating.
I have set a new goal for 2022 to read 10 books. 

Today is going to be a day of some studying (goal #1) and then a time of rest and hobbies in the evening and I'll likely do the same tomorrow too. I always try to balance out the two (goal #6) but it's not always possible when you're being drowned in uni work and deadlines!

In terms of art sales/commissions, I did have some interest recently but haven't chased it up. In 2021, I restarted my Etsy and have managed to get 6 sales which is amazing and more than I could have expected! I also have a Redbubble where I get passive income (I've had 59 sales since I started which I think was back in 2019) and I've just noticed that I got a sale on the 5th of Jan! Technically I could say I've reached goal #8 but I don't think I'll count it because I don't have to do anything with RB to get sales. Ideally I would like to sell a physical piece of work or simply complete a design I've started and post it everywhere and on Etsy and make a sale from it (I sell embroidery patterns).

I've added updating this blog to my calendar on a weekly basis too (goal #10).

Have a lovely Saturday! ♥

My goals for 2022

Hello! Here's my attempt at a wellbeing blog! I'm not sure how you do one of these in terms of what to write, so we'll see what happens. 😊This blog will be more about what I hope to achieve in the year and maybe to do more of the things that I know will make me happy.

  1. Graduate with a 1st.
  2. Attend a graduation ceremony this year.
  3. Get a full time graduate job.
  4. Get the ball rolling in terms of looking for a house. *
  5. Do more exercise/lose weight
  6. Spend more time doing my hobbies in between uni work.
  7. Invest more time and effort into my side hustle related to my hobbies. *
  8. Try and get an art sale or commission. *
  9. Read more books. - 3/10 read this year.
  10. Update this regularly and until the end of the year.

So if you'd like, come along with me through 2022 and see what I achieve (or don't) and what unexpected things 2022 throws at all of us!

Updated at least once a week! :h:

If you want to know a little more about me and my study journey, I have a study blog which I've kept since I started my degree.

*After graduation