Apologies for missing the Sunday post! I was having a relaxing day and was playing some video games and it slipped out of my mind. But at least I can say that I was working towards my goal of trying to spend more time on hobbies (goal #6) during this year to help my mental health and reduce stress! It's always good to have a balance, something I don't always get right.
Last week was very much an organisation week. I broke down my assignment into manageable chunks to cover this current week (my final week before the deadline). It felt nice to see everything in front of me and have an idea on when things need to get done. I did make a blog post in my study blog to show others what I use to keep organised and study with.So for this week, it is largely trying to get things done for the assignment and I can say a lot of it is done, it just needs to be refined. There is one part that needs more work and to be finished but the rest seems okay. Not all of it is graded so that kind of makes it easier and quicker.
I've had the week off work and it's been lovely (and lazy)! I feel like I have more energy to focus on my uni work now and it feels great. I hung out with a friend last night who I've not seen for a bit so that was nice to get out of the house and to chat with someone! I finished reading one of the books (goal #9) on the 18th too!
But yeah, most of my weeks are very similar to the last so apologies if they're a little repetitive