My goals for 2022

Hello!   Here's my attempt at a wellbeing blog! I'm not sure how you do one of these in terms of what to write, so we'll see wha...

Sunday 28th May

Sadly things didn't go too well with the interview. I was extremely nervous for a start, but they didn't ask me about myself or why I applied which kind of threw me off and gave me a bad vibe. It's a charity but they didn't care why I applied or try to identify if I had passion for the charity or not? They asked 9 long, convoluted questions, none of which I was prepared for. Each question had like 2 or 3 underlying parts to it that you had to remember and think through and I just couldn't think straight. I think it's largely because I'm a little exhausted from the EMA, I've not been in a good head space as of late so I felt like my mind was blank, as well as the nerves. Either way, shortly after it ended, I felt that if they offered me the job, I would've refused because I got a bad vibe from the interviewers. They weren't personable or chatty at all. It wasn't a two way conversation, more of a grilling of myself and asking me questions I felt I wouldn't have known unless I was trained. I also got the impression that you have high case loads and are hounded every minute of the day with phone calls and I felt that I wouldn't have liked that, especially for the pay. So yeah, it wasn't a very good interview experience and it made me feel pretty awful for some time afterwards, but I'm feeling a bit better now.

For my EMA, I have completed the first essay, I think I got to about 1900 words (and I'm making sure to back them up with Google Drive. I can't imagine the thought of losing them suddenly!). It's essentially a draft because I plan on going back through it if I have the time. I wanted to get started with the second essay though first. I planned more for my second essay and I feel it's turned out stronger than the first one. But I'm trying not to let it bother me too much, I know that just submitting two assignments, even if I feel they aren't the best quality will be enough to pass. I worked out that the absolute minimum I can get to still get a pass 2 in the module is 43%, a score I've never had so I'm feeling confident that I can get this 1st which is my number one goal! I've reached approximately 1000/2000 words for the second assignments, so I'm sort of 3/4 of the way through them now. I can't wait to finish!

I'm going to do some cross stitching now to relax before bad and work tomorrow. I started watching Vampire Diaries for some reason, so now I go to bed and do cross stitching whilst watching that :lol: I've also started watching the new season of Stranger Things  I have been wanting to continue playing my fave game (and start a new one after that) but I just feel either too tired or guilty when I do anything other than my assignments! Can't wait for that guilt to go with the end of this module! I look forward to getting platinum for that game and maybe doing a cross stitch related to it in future  <3

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